Tonight@8: fault finding in construction projects

| January 27, 2025

Have you ever spent time constructing a project, only to find it does not work?

If so, the next Tonight@8 webinar on Monday 3 February is one to put in your diary. Lee Aldridge, G4EJB will present a basic fault finding and electronics session that will look at the requirements of construction, as well as the pros and cons of different types of construction.

He will also look at what to do when you’ve built a project, but it doesn’t work. This will include looking at your method, understanding some simple circuits and basic use of a digital multimeter, your expectations, as well as checking and testing.

Lee has nearly 35 years’ experience of working in telecoms and electronics and will be known by many as the former RadCom Basics Editor.

Find out more about this discussion by going to the Tonight@8 webpage. Watch the presentation live on the RSGB YouTube channel or special BATC channel and ask questions via the live chat.

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