YOTA activities at RSGB National Radio Centre

| September 20, 2024

Do you work with young people at a school, or perhaps with a youth group such as the Scouts, Guides or Cadets?

Are you looking for an activity that provides hands-on learning opportunities for them?

The RSGB National Radio Centre currently has availability for two private evening visits in December 2024 as part of the Society’s activities for Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) month.

Sessions typically last two hours and include an introduction to amateur radio, before the youngsters are split into smaller groups to complete a variety of activities.

These can include Morse code, VHF communication using handhelds, shortwave radio communication and satellite communication.

The group size is limited to a maximum of 12, and there must be one adult accompanying every four students.

If you’d like to find out more about this unique learning opportunity, email the RSGB National Radio Centre Coordinator Martyn Baker, G0GMB on nrc.support@rsgb.org.uk.

Category: Front Page News, GB2RS Headlines, RSGB Notices