RSGB talks to ICQ Podcast at Dayton Hamvention

| June 21, 2024

Members of the RSGB Team, including RSGB President John McCullagh, GI4BWM and RSGB General Manager Steve Thomas, M1ACB, had a successful time at the Dayton Hamvention in May.

The event was a brilliant opportunity to engage with radio amateurs from around the world and it resulted in 132 people joining the RSGB.

It also provided several media opportunities with podcasters, YouTubers and local news outlets. Martin Butler, M1MRB from ICQ Podcast was one of those who interviewed the President and the General Manager.

The interview covered a wide range of topics, from using the new licence conditions as part of outreach, to the RSGB’s role in defending the spectrum and even to the RSGB President’s amateur radio activities with both RAYNET-UK and SOTA!

For the full interview go to Episode 432 on and listen from just before two hours into the episode.

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