Also in GB2RS this week….

| July 29, 2022

The RSGB is pleased to announce the co-option of Karl Bridge M0KHB as Regional Representative for Region 3, the North West, until the 2023 AGM. Also, vacancies currently exist for two District Representatives within the Region 3 team. One to cover the Greater Manchester District and another to represent the Merseyside District. These are worthwhile and rewarding opportunities to assist the RSGB in spearheading the hobby of amateur radio in Region 3. Please contact Karl Bridge, M0KHB for further information by email to

A date for your diary now. Churches and Chapels On The Air will take place this year on Saturday the 10 September from 10am to 4pm. If you plan to put a station on the air from your local church or chapel, please inform John, G3XYF by email to He will then add your station to the list on the WACRAL website.

The Genesis Radio Group currently operates around North Manchester and the North West. Founded in May 2022, the group wanted a more relaxed approach to talk about, and operate radios without the constraints of the traditional club. They meet on Wednesday evenings from 7.30pm on the air. The last Wednesday of the month is put aside for a cafe/pub meet, the location of which rotates in order that as many members as possible can have a chance to turn up. For further information please visit the website

Category: GB2RS Headlines