Respond now to Ofcom EMF consultation

| May 29, 2020

There’s not much time left to respond to the Ofcom EMF consultation, which is required by 12 June 2020.

The RSGB recommends you acknowledge the need for ICNIRP guidelines but to state that the proposals from Ofcom are not proportionate for amateur licensees.

More details on the consultation and the guide to help you with your response can be found at

The RSGB is finalising its detailed response.

This includes arguments and evidence in support of our case, which is to stick with the current light touch approach.

It is important for all amateurs to make their own individual responses using their own words.

The RSGB is also preparing training and advice leaflets to help you follow ICNIRP guidelines, and any specific requirements that Ofcom may impose in the licence conditions after this consultation.

Category: Front Page News, GB2RS Headlines