Restricted NRC access – advance notice
Advance notice that RSGB National Radio Centre at Bletchley Park will have restricted access for visiting radio amateurs wishing to operate the station, GB3RS on 6 June, 17 July and 7 August 2019.
On 6 June, the NRC will be running a special event station, GB2DAY to celebrate the 75th anniversary of D-Day and on 17 July, a special event station promoting the NHS station, GB1NHS. On 7 August, the radio room will be in use by Arkwright students receiving Foundation Licence training and undertaking practical assessments.
Additionally, GB3RS will be off-air from 8 to 10 July when necessary repairs are made to the rotator driving the SteppIR beam antenna. The NRC will remain open to visitors on these days but access to the radio room will be restricted and no transmission will be possible.
Category: Front Page News, GB2RS Headlines