Also in GB2RS this week…
Keith Bird, G4JED, Regional Representative for Region 10, is looking to recruit a volunteer for the post of District Representative for the East Sussex area. The prime duties in this annual and renewable post will be to liaise with the clubs and individuals in that area. There are opportunities to assist others and develop your own ideas to promote interest in amateur radio with the help of a team within Region 10. Any one wishing to step into these roles should contact Keith, G4JED, via email to
Greece is the latest newcomer to the 60m band. A ministerial decision dated 26 February 2019 published in the Greek government gazette of 5 March 2019. This introduced a new Frequency Allocation Table, which authorises Greek radio amateurs to use the WRC-15 band on a secondary basis at 15W EIRP.
The Dayton Hamvention committee has announced their awards for 2019. Of particular interest is Pietro Begali, I2RTF, the 2019 recipient of Hamvention’s Technical Achievement Award. He is best known for designing and producing high-quality Morse keys and paddles. Chris Janssen, DL1MGB/KO2WW, is the winner of Hamvention’s 2019 Special Achievement Award. He served as president of World Radiosport Team Championship 2018, guiding more than 300 volunteers who put on the successful competition in Germany.
From the IARU Region 1 Monitoring System newsletter come reports that Russian over-the-horizon radar has caused severe problems on 14MHz. Sometimes three signals were active at the same time, each system with 14kHz bandwidth and many splatters. The transmitter is located north of Penza in western Russia. The German PTT filed an official complaint and the Dutch PTT has been informed.
JVC Kenwood UK has appointed Martin Lynch & Sons as the sole UK distributor for Kenwood amateur radio products. ML&S has earned more Kenwood Amateur Radio Dealer of the Year awards than any other dealer. The sole distributorship for the UK reflects the continued support and commitment, says Kenwood UK. JVC Kenwood is committed to the amateur radio market and will continue to design and manufacture amateur radio equipment.
The RSGB has now released a new Intermediate training book to support the new amateur radio exam syllabus that starts on the 1 September 2019. The Intermediate Licence Manual For Radio Amateurs has been fully revised, reordered and contains all of the information required for those seeking to upgrade from their Foundation call sign. Go to for full details.
Category: GB2RS Headlines