IARU Region 1 project group news
At the IARU Region 1 General Conference in Landshut in 2017, it was agreed to create three project groups to address issues of the future direction and growth in amateur radio across the Region.
These groups have undertaken some of the planned work, but because of other commitments of the project leaders, progress has not been as rapid as the IARU Region 1 had hoped.
It was decided to bring the three project groups together under a single project manager.
Mark Jones, G0MGX, has agreed to take this role.
Mark is already deeply involved in ‘future and growth’ issues in RSGB, where he is a Board Member.
Mark can be contacted via email to mark.g0mgx.r1@gmail.com.
We wish Mark every success in this key role.
Category: Front Page News, GB2RS Headlines