Also in GB2RS this week…
There will be no GB2RS script for Sunday, 30 December 2018. The last news reading for 2018 will take place on Sunday, 23 December 2018, with normal service resuming on Sunday, 6 January 2019. Individual newsreaders may choose to run a net instead of the news during their slot on the 30th, though this must be under their own call sign, not GB2RS.
CWops is accepting nominations for the Advancing the Art of CW award for 2019. The purpose of the award is to recognise individuals, groups, or organisations that have made the greatest contribution toward advancing the art or practice of radio communications by Morse code. Nominations may be made by anybody, not limited to CWops members. Email nominations to with a copy to Nominations must be received by 1 March 2019—further details on the CWops website.
Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) month runs throughout December. The next clubs to activate the GB18YOTA callsign will be Southampton University Wireless Society on the 12th, Durham and District ARS on the 14th, then the RSGB’s National Radio Centre (NRC) will be operating the station on the 15th and 16th. Young people are welcome at the NRC where they will have the opportunity to experience amateur radio using the state-of-the-art GB3RS station at the NRC. If you hear these stations and others around the world taking part in YOTA month, please take the time to contact the young people.
The RSGB is still taking bookings for the Introduction to Amateur Radio workshops running in association with Bletchley Park on 15 and 16 December 2018. These workshops will give an introductory insight into the world of amateur radio, as well as a chance to see the RSGB’s National Radio Centre. So spread the word to any friends, family members, colleagues who might be interested in finding out more about our amazing hobby. Full details, including booking information and prices, on the Bletchley Park website.
The GB3LEX 10GHz beacon was switched off at 1450UTC on 29 November 2018. This is to enable investigations to identify the cause of a fault reported by a local user. Details of its switch-on will be announced when more is known of the fault.
The RSGB has released a video of the YOTA 2018 event held between 8 and 15 August 2018 in South Africa. The event welcomed 74 young radio amateurs from all over the world, including participants from seven African countries. This video, filmed and edited by Peter Barnes, M0SWN, shows the highlights of the event, and accompanies the official blog at
Worked all Postcodes is an award scheme announced by radio dealer Moonraker. Participants need to work as many postcodes as possible using a maximum of 10W, any mode, on the 70, 144, 430 and 1296MHz bands. Wednesday will be activity night and awards will be available for different numbers of postcodes. This all starts on 2 January 2019 so keep an eye on the Moonraker blog for more information.
Category: GB2RS Headlines