Register for Bath Distance Learning course
The next Advanced Distance Learning course to be run by the Bath-based team is due to start on the first of February 2019, aiming for an exam in July or August. The team will then look at the new syllabus and so there will be no Bath Distance Learning courses for 6 to 12 months.
The course is free but students must provide their own textbook, calculator and arrange their own exam when the time comes. Guidance is provided by the course team. A £40 deposit is required to secure a place on the course, but this is refunded to those who complete the training. Deposits from students who did not complete the course, and generous donations from students who did, have so far raised over fourteen thousand pounds for charities like the RCF, British Wireless for the Blind and RAIB.
Course places are limited; the last four were completely filled well before the start date. So, if you are interested in joining, contact the Course Leader Steve, G0FUW, without delay, via email to
Category: Front Page News, GB2RS Headlines