John Crabbe, G3WFM, SK

G3WFM receiving Founders’ Trophy in 2008
John Crabbe, G3WFM, passed away in the early hours of Thursday, 18 October 2018 at the age of 87, after having been unwell for some time.
For many years John volunteered for the RSGB at Potters Bar, working as archivist/historian, RSGB National Amateur Radio Museum curator, and manager of the RSGB shack.
A very active amateur in his own right too, right to the end, he had diverse interests ranging from HF DX up to satellites, microwaves and amateur television.
In 2008 John was awarded the prestigious Founders’ Trophy for his many years’ distinguished service to the RSGB.
We understand that John’s funeral will be at Enfield Crematorium on Monday, 29 October at noon.
All those who knew him well are welcome to attend.
Category: Front Page News, GB2RS Headlines, RSGB Notices