WRTC 2018 results
Last weekend’s World Radiosport Team Championship ended with a win for Lithuanian amateurs Gedas Lucinskas, LY9A and Mindis Jukna, LY4L, who scored nearly 5.7 million points from 5,139 QSOs.
The runners-up were Germans Manfred Wolf, DJ5MW and Stefan von Baltz, DL1IAO, who scored nearly 5.3 million points from just under 5,000 QSOs.
In all, the 63 two-person teams made well over a quarter of a million contacts and scored a total of over 250 million points over the 24-hour contest period.
Congratulations to all who took part.
A detailed report on the Championships is at wrtc2018.de/en.
Category: Front Page News, GB2RS Headlines