Three balloons go up on Thursday
Three high altitude balloon launches will take place from a site in Welshpool on Thursday, 21 June 2018, conditions permitting.
Starting between 10.30 and 11.30am, the balloons will have a number of experiments on board to look at various aspects of space flight.
Involving a number of schools in the north west, the launches are by a team from Hi-Impact Consultancy, based on the Wirral, as part of their SpaceCamp event, and take place in association with AirProducts UK.
The organisers ask as many amateurs and SWLs to get involved and track the flight using FL-DIGI.
The balloons will transmit on 434.650MHz USB with call sign SPACECAMP.
They use 50 baud RTTY, 450Hz shift, 7N2.
Details about the flights will be posted via Twitter @hiimpactconsult and on Facebook at
Category: Front Page News, GB2RS Headlines