Also in GB2RS this week…
Illness of a key RSGB staff member means that it has not been possible to prepare Regional News again this week, for which we apologise. Details of many club events can be found in the April edition of RadCom, supplemented by the listing at Thank you to every one who sent event details for the May and June RadCom; event information sent to by the published deadline will appear in those editions.
The RSGB has agreed to participate in the FIFA World Cup Marathon which is being organised by the Union of Radio Amateur of Russia (RRC). The Marathon is set to run from 1 June to 15 July 2018. There will be two call signs available for use on a rotation basis: GB18FWC, for stations in England; and MB18FIFA, for stations in the home nations who did not qualify for the World Cup finals. Applications for the call signs are open now. An application form and more information can be found at The deadline for applications is 23.59 on 29 April 2018.
Norway’s communications regulator Nkom is consulting on changes to the amateur radio regulations. Among the planned changes is allowing 1 kW output at VHF/UHF for EME or meteor scatter operation. The previous limit for the VHF/UHF bands had been 100 or 300 watts. The consultation ends on 2 May 2018.
Category: GB2RS Headlines