Also in GB2RS this week…
A reminder that next Wednesday, 18 April 2018, radio amateurs worldwide will take to the airwaves in celebration of World Amateur Radio Day. It was on that day in 1925 that the International Amateur Radio Union was formed in Paris. World Amateur Radio Day is the day when IARU member societies can show their capabilities to the public and enjoy global friendship with other amateurs worldwide. It is a great opportunity to put on a local event, so do share details with us if you’re planning something. You can find out more about World Amateur Radio Day on the IARU website.
The latest RSGB 2017 Convention video has been released for members to view. Ionosonde Data and HF Propagation by Jim Bacon, G3YLA shows some ways that the band conditions can be visualised to help operators make maximum use of the conditions available. It details how plotting the near real-time ionosonde data can reveal why the band sounds the way it does and is especially useful in determining the reasons why the local nets on 40m and 80m appear to fade as they do, or an 80m CC contest appears to go long skip.
Steve Hartley, G0FUW has been appointed as the new Chair of the RSGB Legacy Committee and he will begin the role after the AGM. He takes over from current RSGB President Nick Henwood, G3RWF who has done excellent work with the committee over the last seven years. The RSGB Legacy Fund, thanks to the generosity of donors, has resources available to encourage and develop amateur radio. Some interesting projects have already been supported but the committee is keen to receive more good proposals. For more information including the application form and guidelines see
In a week when the Kings High School for Girls in Warwick has an amateur radio contact with the ISS, the RCF is delighted to announce that Arkwright Scholar Tim Hare, M6HTJ, has just passed his Intermediate exam. Tim passed his Foundation licence in preparation for the Tim Peake ISS contact with the City of Norwich School in 2016. He and fellow Arkwright Scholar Luke Andrews are both now keen to progress to their Full licence. Further information about RCF projects and how you can support the charity can be found at
The RSGB knows that many radio amateurs are becoming concerned about the data protection changes that come into force in late May and how those changes will affect their clubs and societies. The RSGB has been preparing for the new law and explains more about it for its Members at
Have you voted yet in the RSGB elections? If not, please take a few minutes to go to and make sure your voice is heard. There are four Board candidates and you can see their personal statements on the AGM web pages. The deadline for receipt of votes is 23.59 on Thursday, 19 April 2018.
Illness of a key RSGB staff member means that it has not been possible to prepare Regional News again this week, for which we apologise. Details of many club events can be found in the April edition of RadCom, supplemented by the events map at Thank you to every one who has sent events details for the May RadCom—all event information sent to by the published deadline will appear in that edition.
Category: GB2RS Headlines