Also in GB2RS this week…
The national 5MHz team has received the terrible news that one of its most dedicated mainstays, Tony Lord, G8DQZ, passed away last week. He was a GB2RS Newsreader on 5MHz for many years and instrumental in the UK 5MHz Experiment, which led to the band being made available to UK and, latterly, more countries around the world.
The RSGB Youth Committee is looking for motivated young people to volunteer as Youth regional representatives. This role includes implementing the RSGB youth strategy, providing a point of contact for young members within their region, attending occasional outreach events, and working closely with the Regional Team. Reporting to the Youth Committee Chair, representatives will also be invited to attend an annual physical meeting in addition to teleconferencing. Expenses will be reimbursed in line with RSGB policy. If you are interested, please contact Youth Committee Chair, Mike Jones, 2E0MLJ, via email to and include a contact phone number. Young People are defined in the RSGB as per IARU guidelines as members under the age of 26.
Starting on Easter Monday, 2 April 2018, the RSGB is extending the National Radio Centre (NRC) opening to six days a week. It will now be open every day except Tuesdays. The NRC opening hours are 9.30am to 4pm in winter and until 5pm in summer, the same hours as its host, Bletchley Park.
An interactive presentation at the National Radio Centre highlights the importance of the role of the Voluntary Interceptors in the Second World War, and the crucial involvement of the RSGB. A new web page highlights the role of Voluntary Interceptors and there is a commemorative plaque mounted in the reception area of the NRC.
Category: GB2RS Headlines