Also in GB2RS this week…
John Mattocks, G4TEQ, the Chair of the RSGB Planning Advisory Committee, has written a response on behalf of the Committee to the Law Commission review of Planning Law in Wales. The response can be seen on the RSGB website.
A 3U CubeSat, HuskySat-1, is planned for launch later this year. It will fly with the ELaNA XXIV mission to a high inclination low earth orbit. HuskySat-1 will host a 30kHz wide 2m to 70cm linear transponder, and also send high-rate telemetry on 24GHz. The majority of the systems, including a pulsed plasma thruster, are being developed in a modular form by an interdisciplinary team at the University of Washington.
The next Train the Trainers course is in St Neots on Saturday, 16 June 2018, hosted by the Huntingdonshire Amateur Radio Society. The course runs from 9am to 4.30pm. To book a place contact Mervyn Foster, G4KLE, via email to
A new RSGB video Tips and Tricks for New and Existing Trainers, has just been launched. It shows the RSGB 2017 Convention talk by Derek Hughes, G7LFC and Alison Hughes, M6COV. They introduce the Train the Trainers course, its contents and also some of the people who have either been on the course or hosted one. See for yourself why this course has excellent reviews from those who attend. You’ll find it at the RSGB online video portal——which has recently been expanded and now hosts over 80 videos to browse in one easy-to-find place.
At the Laugharne Radio Rally next Saturday there will be a series of talks about getting started on 10GHz. Places are strictly limited so advance booking is recommended. Details are on the events page of the UK Microwave Group.
We know that GB2RS News is widely appreciated, but we were amazed to learn that last weekend Steve, M5BXB reported hearing M0MBD’s 2m GB2RS broadcast from Hainault, Essex via his remote station in the Canary Islands. Newsreader Dave De La Haye, M0MBD says it’s not unusual for the odd French station to pop up and say hello when propagation allows, and last December Johan, ON3POJ called in when he was taking signal reports. Dave would like to thank everyone who gives signal reports after GB2RS broadcasts, as it really does show that people are listening—and not always where you think they might be!
Category: GB2RS Headlines