Also in GB2RS this week…
The RSGB Examination Standards Committee Report 2017 is available for download. It includes a submission about the Air Cadets Organisation Foundation equivalent exam. A comparison of the 2016 RSGB exam passes with the RCF figures for 2015 shows a fall in the number of passes at both Foundation and Intermediate levels. You can download the full report from the committee’s website.
The DXCC Most Wanted entities list has been updated on ClubLog as of 1 October 2017. The top 10 entities remain unchanged, with the top three being P5, North Korea, also known as DPRK, 3Y/B, Bouvet Island, and FT5/W Crozet Island. The complete DXCC Most Wanted list is at and island-chasers will be pleased to hear that a team is planning to activate Bouvet Island, IOTA reference AN-002, early next year. We will report more news as it becomes available.
British Railways Amateur Radio Society is holding its AGM on Saturday, 28 October 2017 at the Brunswick Inn at 1 Railway Terrace, Derby, DE1 2RU. This is almost opposite the railway station car park. Starting with an informal chat at noon, the AGM will commence at 1.15pm. The AGM is in a private, ground floor room. Ian G4EAN, the BRARS secretary, says that the BRARS committee is hoping that a good number of members will attend. For more information contact Ian Brothwell, G4EAN, via email to or on 0115 926 2360. Membership of BRARS is open to any one with an active interest in amateur radio and details are at
Category: GB2RS Headlines