Latest episode of TX Factor out now
The summer edition of TX Factor is out now and includes a trip to Norwich where Pete, M0PSX spends a day with the Norfolk Amateur Radio Club at their recent annual field day ‘Radio Active’.
He also chats to RSGB President Nick Henwood, G3RWF about his Club Initiative.
TX Factor goes digital as Mike, G1IAR gives Bob, G0FGX an introduction to operating on DMR, Yaesu Fusion and D Star.
They also visit a Devon amateur who has set up a Fusion Gateway to find out how he went about it.
The new episode of TX Factor, sponsored by the RSGB and ML&S, is available at and on YouTube and as it is professionally produced in HD looks great on a full-size TV but works equally well on a PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone.
Category: Front Page News, GB2RS Headlines