Also in GB2RS this week…
YOTA teams across the world have been invited to submit questions for the planned contact with the International Space Station during YOTA 2017. Linking with the theme of the amateur radio event, questions should focus on communications, which can include amateur radio, mobile phones, data links, satellites, etc. YOTA team members have been asked to try and think of questions no one else has asked before. What would you ask? We won’t know when the ISS contact will take place until one week before the event, but the plan is to have it streamed live over the internet so people everywhere will be able to watch the buildup and the contact itself. Please email any suggested questions to
The RSGB is pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Anthony Kent, G8PBH, as Chair of the RSGB Examinations Standards Committee. Tony obtained his call sign, G8PBH, in 1978 and has been active on the bands continuously since. His interests in that time have included home construction, mobile and portable operation and, most recently, DX chasing. His favourite band is 6m and, in particular, the sporadic E mode of propagation on that band. He uses mostly SSB and data modes. Tony is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics.
For those attending the HAM Radio show in Friedrichshafen, Germany between 14 and 16 July, Saturday is Summits on the Air—or SOTA—day. Starting at 12 noon there will be a get-together, lecture, activation and the annual dinner, so check for details.
A paper by IARU Region 1 President Don Beattie, G3BJ, for the Landshut Conference in September, that the longer term financial outlook for Region 1 is poor. It says that the general fund will be entirely depleted by 2021, and total reserves exhausted by 2023, rendering IARU Region 1 insolvent. The paper suggests a number of changes to address the problem, including refocussing the YOTA programme and devolving some activity or increasing participant contributions. You can download the paper from
Category: GB2RS Headlines