Also in GB2RS this week…
We have been informed that the Ofcom amateur radio licencing portal is down for maintenance from 6pm on Thursday, 27 April until 8.30am on Tuesday, 2 May.
The US Army, Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard will sponsor the traditional military/amateur radio communication tests on 13 May to mark the 66th annual Armed Forces Day, which takes place on the 20th. The Armed Forces Day message will be transmitted via military standard radioteletype modes. Software is available to demodulate the military serial PSK waveform, and detailed instructions can be downloaded. A short practice transmission will be sent at 1930 and 2330UTC on the 6, 7, 10 and 12 May on 13.506.5MHz USB and 17.443MHz USB. Military FSK is Baudot at 850Hz, 75 baud, low mark, and 2000Hz centre. Most RTTY programs can be set to decode this mode. To achieve low mark while receiving in USB, select reverse shift. Full details, including the necessary downloads are on the ARRL website.
Starting next Saturday, 6 May and running for three months, the UK Six Metre Group Summer Marathon is taking place. Using all modes on the 50MHz band the exchange is your four character locator. For full details of this event, go to and use the 6m operating tab to click on 6m contests.
The RSGB Board Proceedings for 17 March 2017 have been released. RSGB Members can read the proceedings on the RSGB website.
RSGB club insurance and beacon and repeater insurance has now been renewed for the year to April 2018. Club insurance certificates can be downloaded from the RSGB website, where your Membership Services login will be required. Beacon and repeater insurance costs £10 and you may renew on the RSGB shop. Please allow a couple of days after renewal for your certificate to be dispatched. In both bases the RSGB has changed the brokers to CaSE Insurance. Cover remains the same as in previous years but the insurer is now Aviva.
Category: GB2RS Headlines