Also in GB2RS this week…
It’s with sadness that we report the passing of the long time G3M-P group QSL sub-manager, Gordon Brown, G3MZV. He will be very much missed. The RSGB QSL Bureau is therefore in need of a replacement volunteer for a slightly enlarged and busy group, G3M-S. If you would like to help, have time, space and some basic computer skills, including the use of a spreadsheet, please email the bureau via
The ARRL DXCC Desk has approved the October 2016 T31T DXpedition to Central Kiribati, Kanton Island, for DXCC credit.
The next Suffolk Radio and Electronics Development, or RED event takes place in Ipswich this week. Suffolk RED is run and supported by many of the radio clubs and amateurs in Suffolk and further afield. All enjoy the mix of practical, hands-on activities available at each event. Plans include HF and VHF operating, CW tuition, Raspberry Pi Python scripting, constructing a link dipole and Advanced tuition advice. It all takes place in a very social and relaxed environment. The event take place at 7.30pm on 30 November at Hallowtree Scout Camp, Nacton, Ipswich IP10 0JP.
If you’re interested in 472kHz CW make sure you’re around on the weekend of 3 and 4 December when there is a QSO party starting around sunset, about 1700UTC.
The last formal stage of the RAYNET reunification process was completed at a meeting in November. The process of setting up RAYNET-UK is ongoing and the Emergency Communications Committee page on the RSGB website will be updated regularly with progress reports. Full details will be in the next edition of RadCom, which should arrive with Members on or after 7 December.
A storm is threatening Nicaragua and Costa Rica through the remainder of this week. The Nicaraguan Government has raised the alert level for parts of the country to prepare for the storm and the Radio Experimenters Club of Nicaragua has activated their National Emergency Network. The main frequencies involved are 7.098MHz and 3.798MHz but also includes 7.105 and 3.805MHz. The Radio Club of Costa Rica has also activated their Network on 7080kHz. All radio amateurs should listen carefully before transmitting and avoid causing QRM to emergency traffic on those frequencies.
The Summits on the Air Summit to Summit event between Europe and North America on Saturday, 19 November was a great success. Several activators had their first-ever intercontinental summit to summit contact. Seventy-seven summits were activated and the consensus seems to be that from a propagation point of view the 17m band was the best.
The UK Six Metre Group’s Winter Marathon starts on 1 December and ends on 31 January 2017. There are no specific operating periods; just work as many Locator squares as you can during that period. All modes are allowed on the 50MHz band and the exchange should be your signal reports and locator. For all the details, check out
Category: GB2RS Headlines