Also in GB2RS this week…
It is with sadness that we report that long-time G1-G2 QSL Bureau sub-manager, Anthony Nowell, BRS 94111 died suddenly in November. The QSL Bureau is working with his executors and more information will be available in the New Year. In the meantime could any G1 and G2 callsign holders please not send collection envelopes and refer to the RSGB website for further information.
During December, groups from schools, universities and local clubs will activate call sign G15YOTA and its regional variations. Many of the operators will be experiencing amateur radio for the first time so if you hear the station, please give them a call. On Sunday, the 6th, it’s the turn of Stirling and DARS in Scotland. Monday and Tuesday sees the call sign move to Bath University, then on Wednesday the 9th Hilderstone Radio Club take over. Aberystwyth and District ARS will be operating G15YOTA on the 10th to 12th inclusive.
SOS Radio Week 2016 will start at 0000UTC on Saturday, 23 January and end at 2359UTC on Sunday, the 31st. This will coincide with the RNLI’s own SOS Day on the last Friday of January. Stations intending to take part should register on the SOS Radio Week website.
G4R series call sign members are advised that a temporary QSL sub-manager has been appointed, whilst a review of sub-manager provision in the G4 series is ongoing. Wayne, M0WAY has kindly agreed to care-take this group. Details can be found on the RSGB website. Wayne can be contacted via email to
The Bushvalley Amateur Radio Club 2m net takes place with members travelling to high ground to increase the participation. It has operated for a month now with success every Tuesday evening starting on 145.500MHz. They look forward to welcoming even more participants in the future.
Five years ago saw the start of discussions to put the RSGB GB2RS News Bulletins, in the form of a podcast, on the cyber-air. Jeremy, G4NJH and Ed, VK2ARE, now DD5LP, worked together to create a GB2RS podcast. Technical setup and tests took until mid-January 2011. Since then the podcast has been published every single weekend without fail. To find the latest edition of the podcast, simply search on GB2RS on either iTunes or The Lounge or, to hear the file online with the full script, go to For the last six months or so, the GB2RS News Broadcast has also been available from TX Factor. The presentation style of the program, which is not intended for re-broadcast over repeaters in the UK, is different and some may prefer it. Whichever version you listen to we hope you enjoy the RSGB’s weekly GB2RS news broadcasts.
Category: GB2RS Headlines