Also in GB2RS this week…
Burundi has joined the International Amateur Radio Union, IARU, after a recent vote. Their national society, ABART, was approved following a 67 vote acceptance.
ARISS, or Amateur Radio on the International Space Station, wishes to shorten the waiting time for a school conversation with an astronaut or a cosmonaut on board the International Space Station. Schools in Europe, Africa and the Middle East are invited to submit an application in February, March and April 2016 for contacts in 2017. The application form is available at
The beacon OK0EB at Klet, which is in locator square JN78DU and at 1084m above sea level, has had its frequencies extended to the microwave bands. The new frequencies and powers are 1296.970MHz, 2320.970MHz and 3400.970MHz, all at 10W. It also now has 5760.970MHz at 5W and 10368.970MHz at 2W. Omnidirectional antennas are installed with a moderate advantage to the north-east direction. Signal reports to Petr, OK2ULG, via email to please.
The annual update of the European Common Allocation Table (262-page/789KB PDF) is out and includes an upgrade of the status of the 70MHz band for some European countries. There will be no change in the UK allocation.
The RSGB Convention takes place over 9 to 11 October at Kent’s Hill Conference Centre in Milton Keynes. Two more lectures have been confirmed that will interest beginners and the more experienced operators alike. Roger Cooke, G3LDI will show the novice to data modes why they should not be so verbose in their macros and thus increase their contact rate in a contest. Well-known DXer Nigel Cawthorne, G3TXF will talk about the RSGB Commonwealth Contest, one of the world’s longest running contests. He has participated in the contest from several countries and will describe some recent operations. More details on the RSGB Convention pages.
The Leicestershire Repeater Group will be testing the aerials for the new UHF beacon, GB3LEU, on Tuesday, 14 July during the 70cm UK Activity Contest. They will be using the callsign G0LRG. As a result the GB3LE repeater on 433.100MHz may be switched off during this time as they investigate possible breakthrough issues. Further information is available from Geoff, G4AFJ, by email to
The British Inland Waterways on the Air event will be held over the August bank holiday weekend, 29 to 31 August. The event is open to all amateurs who are boaters, cyclists, walkers and other users of canals, rivers, towpaths or riverbanks for work or recreation. Many operate special event stations, with the main band of activity being 40m. For full details, see the BIWOTA pages on the RSGB website.
This year’s RSGB Convention in October will include a Buildathon, or kit building workshop, on Saturday the 10th. Those taking part will build a 40m software-defined receiver that can be modified to cover other bands using an external signal source. The kit uses through-hole components so there will be no need for special soldering techniques or magnifying goggles, etc. However, there will be experienced builders on hand to assist with building and testing the kits. Those wishing to take part in the Buildathon will need to buy a ticket for the Convention and pay for the kit via the RSGB Shop. The kit is being supplied by Kanga UK and the Convention price is expected to be about £25. Further details can be had from RSGB Board member Steve Hartley, by email to
Category: GB2RS Headlines