Also in GB2RS this week…
Ofcom has published a call for inputs as part of its strategic review of the 420-470MHz band. This will help Ofcom to understand whether its current approach to managing the band is able to meet the needs of current and future users. Users include business radio, the emergency services and utilities and demand is increasing. This call for inputs closes on 19 February 2015. You can find the consultation and response instructions on the Ofcom website.
The IOTA Committee has been made aware that Dino Island no longer meets the requirements laid down for qualification for IOTA and have decided that it should be withdrawn from EU-144 with effect from 1 January 2015. The distance separating the island from the mainland has reduced as the beach area gradually encroached into the channel and is now significantly less than the required 200 metres. Credit will continue to be given for contacts with Dino made before 1 January 2015. See the IOTA website for full details.
A GB2RS news reading will take place over the Christmas and New Year break, with a script planned for 28th December. The deadline for this script is 10am on Tuesday 23rd December. Please send news items to There will be no script for 4th January. The first GB2RS news script for 2015 will be for reading on the 11th January and the deadline for news is 10am on Thursday 8th January.
The December/January edition of the New Starter’s Newsletter is now available to RSGB Members. You will need to log into the RSGB Membership Services to read the articles. Amongst the subjects in this issue are using beacons to gauge HF propagation, getting the most from your 2m handheld and how to build a simple multiband vertical for HF.
The RSGB Youth Committee met in late November and the minutes are now on the RSGB website at
Category: GB2RS Headlines