Also in GB2RS this week…
The latest issue of the IARU R1 Monitoring System newsletter reports on action by the Ofcom Baldock Monitoring Station against an intruder in the 10MHz band. They report that Peter Jost, HB9CET, found illegal fishery traffic on 10123kHz USB daily. RSGB Intruder Watch Co-ordinator Chris Cummings, G4BOH, asked Baldock for assistance and, as a result, the British Coast Guard contacted the offenders to tell them that their phone traffic was illegal. A few days later the frequency was clean. After serving for 21 years as Intruder Watch Coordinator, Chris has decided that the time has come for him to hand over the reins of the important role and anyone interested in succeeding him is urged to contact the RSGB General Manager at
The RSGB is organising a get-together for its young Members. The event will take place on the weekend of 19 and 20 July in Wolverhampton and will link up with the Youngsters on the Air event in Finland. The Society is therefore calling this YOTA UK. The plan is to have a ‘mini-convention’ on the Saturday with activities linked to SOTA aerial building, satellite operating, receiver building, Intermediate practical work, a special event station and a barbecue. We also have a Direction Finding event planned for the Sunday and a further opportunity to operate the special event station. THE Society would like to see as many young Members in attendance as possible and hope to make YOTA UK an annual event. Full details of the programme are still being working on but if anyone would like further info, please contact Steve Hartley, G0FUW, via e-mail to
GB2RS podcast recordings, read by Jeremy, G4NJH, are available from iTunes and The Lounge, which allow the broadcast to be heard on mobile devices and internet radios. The broadcast can also be heard by going to with any browser from a PC or mobile device. The full text is included on this website. This service has been available at no cost for everyone for over 3 years and the website has had over 92,000 hits in that time. The archive in iTunes and on the website contains all editions from the last two years. The RSGB would like to thank Jeremy for his ongoing service to the Society.
Bill, G4KQJ has recently retired as a West Yorkshire newsreader after ten years of service to the Society. The RSGB and the GB2RS News Manager Ken Hatton, G3VBA, would like to thank Bill for his time and effort on behalf of the RSGB.
After the success of their trip to the Isle of Skye in 2012 and their G100RSGB activation in 2013, the Wessex Contest Group ARS will be operating from the Isle of Man, EU-116, until 17 May. The team intend to be on the air as MT0WCB on most HF bands between and 10 to 40m and on some VHF bands, notably 2m and 6m, with SSB, CW and some digi modes. They are taking sked requests by email to and they will try their best to hook up on air. You can follow the team on twitter @mx0wcb or follow them on Facebook at
Tomorrow, 12th May, sees the opening of new and refurbished facilities at Bletchley Park in Milton Keynes. RSGB Members wishing to gain free entry to the National Radio Centre and the Park must download a voucher from the RSGB website at
Category: GB2RS Headlines