Important changes planned on the 13 and 9cm bands
Following a consultation last year, Ofcom has decided it will remove from the Amateur Radio Licence all frequencies in the 2.3 and 3.4GHz bands that overlap with those planned for award for new civil uses. Specifically, this means 2350 to 2390 and 3410 to 3475MHz. Ofcom will give amateurs at least twelve months’ notice of this intention, but will also put in place a procedure to remove amateur access to adjacent frequencies if necessary in future. Amateur users of the 2310 to 2350MHz band are requested to register their use with Ofcom and provide contact details. Ofcom has been required by the MoD to ensure their systems are adequately protected from interference from amateur uses in both the release and adjacent bands and the statement contains guidance from Ofcom with which amateur users must comply, with immediate effect. Full details can be found on the Ofcom website.
Category: GB2RS Headlines