Also in GB2RS this week…
The RSGB has published new band plans for all UK amateur allocations from 136kHz to 250GHz. Full information is printed in the February edition of RadCom. Copies of the band plan pages can also be freely downloaded from RSGB membership is not required to access these files.
The VK6WIA Amateur Radio News Team has been producing news since 1931. Last weekend, they interviewed members of the Amsterdam Island FT5ZM DXpedition team. The discussions covered a wide range of DXpedition topics from planning and fundraising to shack layout and handling pileups. The interviews can be found at and more details of the DXpedition are at
Since the recent introduction of the Spanish 5MHz allocation, a number of UK stations have been making contacts with a dial frequency of 5380.5. Unfortunately this makes their USB transmission partially outside the UK allocation, which only extends as high as 5382.0. The RSGB Amateur Radio Observation Service is monitoring the situation and reminds all amateurs to operate only within their specific sub-bands.
Ahead of the September 2014 IARU Region 1 Conference, the RSGB has opened a new set of Discussion Boards so that UK amateurs can suggest topics, on matters such as operating procedures, technical standards and band plans. The initial phase is an open call and will be followed by further opportunities as UK papers are developed, or subsequently when all Conference papers are available. There are separate boards covering HF and VHF/Microwave matters, as well as more generic topics. They replace two UK Yahoo groups that had previously been used. Full details and links are on the RSGB Consultation web pages and in the January edition of RadCom.
Category: GB2RS Headlines