Also in GB2RS this week…
The sponsors for the Wake Island K9W commemorative DXpedition that was derailed as a result of the partial government shutdown say they are continuing to work with the US Air Force to reschedule the operation. Once they have the new dates, these will be posted through the normal amateur radio media. The K9W postponement was attributed to a paperwork delay resulting from the October 1 partial government shutdown. The US Air Force manages Wake Island, and access is restricted.
What is believed to be the UK’s first digital-only 23cm ATV repeater has gone on the air. Located to the east of Bournemouth, input is on 1244MHz and the output on 1304MHz. Run by the Bournemouth Amateur Television Group, full details are on the repeater website at
The RSGB is running a joint meeting with the Institution of Engineering and Technology on Thursday 5 December. The meeting will be held at Imperial College between 6.30pm and 9pm. The meeting is open to all and attendance is free, including the tea and biscuits. The meeting will comprise two lectures on amateur radio technology and its application over the past 100 years and a look to see how amateur radio may develop in the first decade, or so, of our next 100 years. See and the November RadCom for details.
If you attended the recent RSGB Convention and one of the lectures on radio in World War 1 by Dr Liz Bruton, you may be interested to know about a talk at the Science Museum on the 2nd. Graeme Gooday and Elizabeth Bruton, University of Leeds will be speaking on Patriotism and Profit during World War One in the Fellows’ Room, Science Museum, London at 11am. This lecture will explore the different motivations of individuals, the military, industry, and commerce in relation to World War 1 telecommunication innovations. Wartime developments in telecommunications were especially reliant on pre-war commercial development and innovation.
Alexandra Abad, who is studying Mechanical Engineering at Cornell University, has asked for the help of radio amateurs around the world to try and detect the 1200 bps AFSK packet radio signals on 437.405MHz from the student built satellite CUSat. The student team ask that any reports of signals are sent to Further information is at
G100RSGB, the special event callsign celebrating the RSGB Centenary, will be operated today by Telford and District ARS using CW, SSB, FM and data on all bands from 70cm down to 160m. On Monday and Wednesday, Coventry Radio Society will be on the HF bands using CW, SSB, FM, PSK31 and SSTV, with operations on Tuesday on the 70cm to 6m bands. Wythall Radio Club will be operating on Thursday and Friday of this week on the HF, Vhf and UHF bands. The Financial Secretary to the Treasury, Sajid Javid MP, is to visit the G100RSGB centenary station in 1 November whilst being operated by Wythall Radio Club. Next weekend, Cheltenham Amateur Radio Association will be putting the callsign on the air using a variety of HF, VHF and UHF frequencies, see the website for exact details of which modes and bands will be in use. Details of how to get your QSL card are on the RSGB website.
RSGB EMC Committee member, Don Beattie, G3BJ, has been interviewed about Broadband over Power Line in an IET article. The RSGB estimates that each BPL device, such as an in-house power-line adapter, generates as much noise or interference as 10,000 other devices operating in the same unlicensed radio frequency bands, with emissions strong and widespread enough to also interfere with ADSL connections using overhead, rather than underground, telephone cables. You can read the full article on the IET website at where the article can be found under the title ‘Whatever happened to Broadband over Power Line’.
The International Museums Weekends Admin Team has announced that IMW 2014 will take place on of 14 and 15 and 21 and 22 June 2014. Radio clubs, or individuals, along with your local museum are invited to join on either or both of the weekends. A considerable amount of effort as been put into the 2014 event by the team, to make this a truly world wide international event for 2014 and subsequent years. More details about the event and a registration form can be found at
Category: GB2RS Headlines