Also in GB2RS this week…
RSGB Centenary Dinner
The RSGB Centenary dinner will take place at Horwood House in the evening of 5 July, the anniversary day. As well as this being a voluntary black tie event to recreate the dinners held in the early days of the Society, it is intended to re-create a menu based on one of these early dinners, including a souvenir menu card. Tickets and overnight accommodation are still available, although numbers are limited and are selling quickly. Visit the RSGB shop for your tickets and don’t forget we are planning to re-create the early days with a commemorative photograph.
Possible micropower record set with Raspberry Pi
Eddie Bennett, G3ZJO, may now hold a QRP distance record for a micro power transmission using a Raspberry Pi microcomputer as a transmitter. He used the 10 milliwatts of RF that can be generated from the Raspberry Pi computer board to be heard at over 2000km on the 7MHz band as the Pi can be made to operate as a WSPR mode transmitter. Among the stations who received his WSPR signal on 40m was LA9JO in JP99 at a distance of 2124km. Details of how you could try this is available at
OE13M on air 19 April
OE13M is an official International Marconi Day station and will be on the air from 0000UTC on 19 April to 2400UTC on 21 April, although only contacts made on 20 April are valid for the IMD award. Run by the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation and the Documentary Archives Radio Communications /QSL Collection, you can QSL via OE1WHC. Details are on
Let us know if you are attending the RSGB Centenary AGM
The RSGB’s Centenary AGM will take place at the IET, Savoy Place, London on the 20th April at noon. If you are intending to attend, it would be appreciated if you could let the RSGB know by filling in the very short form at
New 70cm beacon on air in Denmark
A new 70cm beacon based upon the Next Generation Beacon platform has come to the airwaves from Denmark. The OZ7IGY beacon on 432.471MHz became operational on 30 March and is expected to remain very stable in frequency as the transmitter is locked to a GPS receiver. The transmission sequence is timed to start at 00 second sending PI4 followed by a short pause then CW ID sending callsign and locator. It’s then is in carrier only mode until next cycle begins. The beacon joins its counterparts on 6, 4 and 2 meters operating from the same location and running the same transmission sequence. All four use the PI4 digital modulation system that was specifically designed to work with beacons and propagation studies in mind. You can download the PI-RX to decode PI4 at
Category: GB2RS Headlines