GB2RS News for Sunday, 30 September 2012

Photo: Amateur radio in Kosovo
Z60K now on the air from Republic of Kosovo
The Republic of Kosovo is now officially on the air. Z60K, the club station of the Amateur Radio Association of Kosovo, located near Pristina, is now on the air. For this operation, QSL via G3TXF or use ClubLog. As Kosovo is not yet a member of the United Nations nor does it have an assigned callsign block allocated by the ITU, it does not meet the established requirements of the DXCC program at this time. However CQ has recognised Kosovo as a separate entity for its award and contest programs since 2007.
Visitor number to RSGB Convention set to be best yet
The RSGB Convention takes place at Horwood House near Milton Keynes on 12 to 14 October. With lectures on DXpeditions, technical topics, propagation and operating, there is something for all amateurs. Day tickets for the RSGB Convention are still available, as are a few limited packages. The continued success of the RSGB Convention is such that we continue to grow year after year and 2012 looks like being the best yet. If you would like to book for RSGB Convention 2012 please visit
GB3NC off air for repair
The GB3NC two metre repeater in Mid Cornwall will be off the air from Monday 1 October. There is a problem with the transmit filter and it needs to be removed for repair and realignment. It is hoped to resume the repeater service within a few days, but the timescale is dependent on the damage found. Information will be on the Group’s website
Also in GB2RS this week…
UKube-1 to launch on Soyez-2 rocket
UKube-1, the UK Space Agency’s first CubeSat mission, has booked its journey into space on a Russian Soyuz-2 rocket. The launch from Kazakhstan is expected to take place in March 2013. UKube-1 carries an amateur radio 435/145MHz linear transponder built by members of AMSAT-UK.
Nominations open for 2012 ARRL International Humanitarian Award
Nominations are open for the 2012 ARRL International Humanitarian Award. The award is conferred upon an amateur or amateurs who demonstrate devotion to human welfare, peace and international understanding through amateur radio. Full details and the nomination process can be found on the website
Michael Owen, VK3KI, SK
The RSGB is deeply saddened to learn of the sudden death of Michael Owen, VK3KI, President of the Wireless Institute of Australia, and Chairman of IARU Region 3. Michael was one of the world influencers on the development of amateur radio. He had been Chairman of Directors of IARU Region 3 for some years, and had also been President of WIA since the restructure of the Institute in 2004. He had also been an RSGB member many years. He was IARU Vice President for 10 years from 1989, and before that was a director of IARU Region 3. He had been a member of the IARU Team at a number of World Radiocommunications Conferences, in particular WRC03, where he was responsible for the formative work done to reshape Article 25 of the Radio Regulations. He leaves a void in the world of amateur radio that will be hard to fill. The RSGB extends its deepest sympathies to Michael’s wife and family on their very sad loss.
We also regret to report that Sid T. May, ET3SID / AB3OZ / G4CTQ, chairman of the Ethiopian Amateur Radio Society has passed away. Sid set up the first amateur radio club of Ethiopia in 1993. Sid has been training amateur radio courses to Ethiopian students for more than 15 years. He administered the RSGB and ARRL examination many times and got more than 120 students through the examination. We feel very saddened about the news and extend our condolences to his family.
Category: GB2RS Headlines