WRC-19 Day-6: Work resumes on all fronts
Week-2 started with both 50MHz and other items – inc a new arrival from afar.
50 MHz resumed after the weekend session. Discussions in the sub-working group are trying to create a delicate balance between various potential allocations for amateurs; and appropriate protection criteria for other incumbent services such as mobile or broadcasting.
A very long flight has seen IARU President Tim Ellam VE6SH join the team for this week – visible in this coffee break photo:-
Flavio PY2ZX (centre) updating some of the amateur group
including on the left: Tim VE6SH and Dave Sumner K1ZZ
Attention has also been given to a variety of other issues including the AI-4 review of old ITU Resolutions, a couple of which affect amateurs; and future agenda items for WRC-23/27. The latter is covered by the all-important Agenda Item-10 which started last week and is still at the first stage of introducing documents.
One AI-10 proposal worthy of note today was the CEPT Aeronautical proposal that originated in France and had initially included 144 MHz. We are still keeping an eye on it, along with others such as a huge wish-list for more mobile broadband (5G/IMT-2020) spectrum in the 3-24GHz range. More proposals are due to be covered over the week in a process that will run right through most of the conference.
The ‘famous’ aeronautical proposal being introduced
Category: Front Page News, GB2RS, WRC-19