Harwell ARS

| April 24, 2020

Harwell ARS has around 70 members of varying ages, spread out over South Oxfordshire and beyond. The Committee’s aim, since the lock down started, has been to keep our members informed on and engaged with all things amateur radio as well as offering more day-to-day practical help if needed.

To those ends, we have started a weekly newsheet QAVExtra to compliment our monthly magazine ‘QAV’. This contains details of ‘events’, RSGB news, a contest diary for the coming weeks, other news and pictures of past events. It also contains tips for getting on the air easily for those confined to flats or with little garden space.

We have also increased our HF skeds to 2 per week and have introduced Virtual Coffee get togethers twice a week via Zoom where members can chat, show projects and seek advice. We have also set up a forum for members to use to share ideas and have further encouraged afternoon Zoom Sessions devoted to a specific topic – FT8 being the first of the series.

Members have taken up the new way of contributing to the club with enthusiasm and we do feel that we are a support, particularly to those who are self-isolating for 12 weeks. We feel sure that some of these new initiatives will continue once the world gets back to normal. Stay safe everyone.

Secretary – Harwell ARS

Category: CV-Support