COMPLETED: RSGB website essential maintenance
UPDATE 12:00 28/01/2025
Work to upgrade the RSGB website infrastructure has now been completed, with no major service disruption reported.
Post-rollout troubleshooting is now in progress and an issue displaying items in the FAQ section, some missing images, and problems with some URL redirects are all being investigated and actioned.
If you encounter any issues browsing the site, please report them to us by posting a RSGB IT support ticket at
Your help and patience has been much appreciated during the implementation of this major project.
UPDATE 11:30 27/01/2025
Our web development team have updated us on possible downtime and other possible user issues on the RSGB website later today.
The site may be offline during DNS updates for up to 20 minutes, and the downtime event could occur at any time between 16.00 this afternoon and 12.00 tomorrow.
The site’s security certificates need to be regenerated, so do not be alarmed if at any point the site throws up security warnings on your browser. This will be a temporary issue, and you are advised to come back to the site later when certificate generation has been completed.
A major infrastructure upgrade is taking place on the RSGB website between 16.00 on Monday, 27 January 2025 and 12.00 on Tuesday, 28 January 2025.
The website may go offline for short periods during this essential work.
More details of any scheduled downtime will be available shortly.
We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.
This work is part of a program to streamline and consolidate our online services that will reduce costs and provide a secure platform for the future development of our websites.
Please note that if you find the RSGB website is offline you may keep up-to-date with all the latest RSGB news and activities on Facebook and X.
We will update this post—both here and on the RSGB website—as work progresses.
Category: Front Page News