IARU supporting 50MHz monitoring trial
This year the ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19) takes place, and there is an important motion on the agenda to consolidate and extend access to 50MHz in IARU Region 1, which covers Europe, Africa and Asiatic Russia.
One of the national telecoms administrations that is actively supporting the proposal is the Czech Republic; unfortunately some other administrations are actively opposed.
To gather solid evidence of the high level of amateur activity on the band, and at the same time to demonstrate that amateurs can coexist with other band users including the military, IARU is supporting a monitoring trial on 13 June 2019.
The event is being run by the Czech national radio society, in conjunction with their regulator and it is part activity period, part contest.
Government and professional users will be monitoring, and some will be transmitting as well, so it is important that amateurs make a good showing.
Remember, by the way, that if you do hear any non-amateur stations you must make sure you do not cause them any interference.
Full details of the event can be found on the IARU Region 1 website.
Category: Front Page News