School Buildathon before ISS contact

The students constructed receiver kits
On Tuesday, 5 January, RSGB Board Director Steve Hartley, G0FUW organised a buildathon at Sandringham School in conjunction with Verulam Amateur Radio Club (VARC)
It was part of the space festival #SANDspace build-up to the amateur radio contact at the school with Tim Peake on Friday morning.
Twenty-four pupils worked in pairs to build 12 RSGB/Walford Electronics Rodway receiver kits and really enjoyed the experience.
The teachers were impressed by the kit and the whole event and are keen to encourage more radio building activity at the school.
VARC members David G3YYD, Roger G0RBK, David G4HHJ and Peter G4HSO helped the pupils wield their soldering irons during the activity.
Category: Front Page News, Principia Mission