YOTA 2017
Special YOTA 2017 update: ARISS contact confirmed
Ciaran Morgan, M0XTD has confirmed that the plans are in place for an ARISS contact during YOTA 2017 week in August. He will be visiting Gilwell Park soon as part of the preparations and the ARISS team from the Principia mission will be available to run the contact in August.
Watch the Camb-Hams in our latest YOTA 2017 vlog
Hosting YOTA 2017 is only possible because of the great team of volunteers who are getting behind the event. In our fourth vlog Rob Chipperfield, M0VFC and Dominic Smith, M0BLF explain why the Camb-Hams are giving their time to help create a fantastic week for young radio amateurs from across the world. Take a look…
YOTA 2017 – meet the UK team!
Following the appointment of Milo Noblet, 2E0ILO as leader of the team representing the UK during YOTA 2017, Peter Barnes, 2E0UAR and Jonathan Sawyer, M0JSX have been chosen as the team members. Congratulations to both of them!
Youth Committee visit the Gilwell Park site

The Youth Committee met at Gilwell Park in early February where they were able to see the layout of the site, including the shack. They also met some of the Radio Scouting team who will be helping out during YOTA 2017.
UK team leader appointed

We are delighted to announce that Youth Committee Deputy Chair, Milo Noblet, 2E0ILO has been appointed as the UK team leader for YOTA 2017. He will lead the small team of UK young amateurs during the week at Gilwell Park in August.