RSSVolunteer Vacancies

RSGB Legacy Committee

| October 17, 2022

The RSGB Legacy Fund, thanks to the generosity of donors, has significant financial resources available to encourage and develop amateur radio. The Legacy Committee (a subcommittee of the RSGB Board) considers proposals for grants to be given to projects from the RSGB Legacy Fund. The criteria for the award of grants was established some years […]

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International Amateur Radio Union

| June 1, 2019

RSGB volunteers contribute to the development of international amateur radio within Region 1 of the International Amateur Radio Union. Some volunteers also work directly with the IARU. This vital work goes on largely unseen but is essential in ensuring the amateur radio voice is heard, especially in Regional telecommunication organisations, the International Telecommunications Union and […]

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OAS Regional Operating Advisers

| April 21, 2019

The Operating Advisory Service (OAS) is the RSGB’s advisory and reporting service. It provides advice on good practice to support radio amateurs affected by problems with use of the amateur bands. We aim to recruit a team of Regional Operating Advisers (ROAs) from around the country, nominally one per region. The ROAs will be the first point […]

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Contest Committees

| April 9, 2019

The Contest Support Committee, HF Contest Committee and VHF Contest Committee  welcome volunteers who are able to help organise, support and manage the Society’s contesting activities. While applications from experienced contestants are welcome, the committees would also be pleased to hear from those new to contesting. If you are interested in learning more, please contact […]

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