Volunteer Vacancies
RSGB Technical Forum
The RSGB Technical Forum is accepting expressions of interest from people who would like to join the group. The Forum is a body of technical experts that review articles submitted to the RSGB RadCom Editors. It provides a recommendation on whether they should be accepted for publication, and whether they are best suited to RadCom, […]
RSGB Convention Chair vacancy
We have been developing the RSGB Convention over recent years to suit the changing needs of the amateur radio community. From a face-to-face meeting it evolved into an online event when we weren’t allowed to meet, then changed again into a hybrid event, bringing together the best of both for people in this country and […]
RSGB Lecture Coordinator vacancy
The RSGB facilitates just over sixty lectures each year in a mixture of in-person, hybrid and remote formats. Fifty of these are at the RSGB Convention, and eleven are delivered through the livestreamed Tonight@8 webinars programme of events. This set of presentations aims to cover a wide mix of amateur-radio-related subjects, across all depths of amateur radio […]
Could you join the RSGB Youth Champion team?
The RSGB has just appointed Chris Aitken, MM0WIC as the RSGB School Youth Champion and Rhys Williams, M0WGY/AJ6XD as the University Youth Champion. But the Society needs two more Youth Champions to join the team… Do you have what it takes to engage with young people, supporting them on their amateur radio journey? The role […]
RSGB Company Secretary – role specification and Terms of Reference
Could you be the RSGB’s next Company Secretary? Article 53 of the Society’s Articles of Association requires the Board to appoint a Company Secretary. The Company Secretary is responsible for ensuring that the Society complies with standard legal practice and maintains high standards of corporate governance. The Secretary also provides important support in the running […]
Be part of the Exams and Syllabus Review Group
The Exams and Syllabus Review Group (ESRG) is looking for new members to move the group forward. Its current task is to approve a new Direct to Full syllabus and to write and approve new questions for the new exams in September due to licence changes. The group meets online every Tuesday between 15:00 and […]