University Corner stories
SurreyEARS – 16 students take the Foundation licence exam

The University of Surrey’s Electronics and Amateur Radio Society, also known as SurreyEARS, has recently completed a Foundation Licence training course for students interested in getting started with amateur radio. A total of 16 students went on to take the exam, plus others who have chosen to take the exam online in their own time. […]
Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) Amateur Radio & Electronics Society

Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) Amateur Radio & Electronics Society has recently been ratified. Their Club Secretary, Grace McCormick, 2I0GYL, got in touch with the RSGB to tell us that she, along with other members, were keen to restart the University club, which has a long history at the campus dating back to the 1950s. Inaugural […]
Surrey EARS visits RSGB National Radio Centre

The University of Surrey Electronics and Amateur Radio Society (EARS) recently visited the RSGB National Radio Centre (NRC). The visit, which Surrey EARS hopes to be the first of many field trips, was a huge success. Students reported that using the equipment was a real highlight, particularly the QO-100 station, which the group is currently […]
Cambridge University Wireless Club at Freshers Week

The new term has started, and students are back at university. Whether it is your first year as a new student, or returning for your final year, there is one thing that all students love – Freshers Week. There is the buzz of a new university term and all that it has to offer, including amateur […]
Glasgow University Wireless Society help local RSGB Member

RSGB member Jim, GM4NTL reached out to his local RSGB District Representative for some assistance in rebuilding his antenna ‘farm’ and reorganising his shack. RSGB District Representative 13 Michael, GM5AUG and his friends from Glasgow University Wireless Society (GUWS), Torin, MM1STK and Alzbeta, MM/OM1DP, travelled down to Sanquhar, near Glasgow, to assist. While the team were […]