
A very valid and useful technology

| July 28, 2015

RSGB response to PC Pro article by Jon Honeyball, Issue 250, August 2015 We enjoyed Jon Honeyball’s trip down memory lane to when he took his exam 30 years ago and become licensed as a radio amateur. We’re also delighted that he is thinking of contacting the authorities to get his licence reestablished. However, after […]

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G3KBR & the Eichmann Trial

| January 27, 2015

Ron Huntsman, G3KBR from Cambridge is one of the last surviving members of the production team who televised the 1961 trial of Adolf Eichmann – one of the Nazi architects of the Holocaust. Ron set up hidden TV cameras in the court room and fed the cables across the street suspended by a catenary wire […]

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IARU Region 1 Conference Report

| September 25, 2014
IARU Region 1 Conference Report

RSGB Delegates this week attended the 23rd International Amateur Radio Union General Conference in Bulgaria. National societies from 43 countries covering Europe, Scandinavia, Asia and Africa sent representatives to agree and coordinate activity to secure the future of amateur radio. Real progress was made at the meeting on a number of topics that are of […]

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G3BJ New IARU R1 President

| September 25, 2014

Don Beattie, G3BJ, former President of the RSGB, has been elected as IARU Region 1 President at the Conference in Bulgaria today.  Further details to follow.

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RSGB IOTA – The Future

| September 24, 2014
RSGB IOTA – The Future

Islands on the Air (IOTA) celebrated its 50th anniversary as a premier DX programme in July 2014, under the care of the RSGB and the IOTA manager, Roger Balister G3KMA. The last fifty years has seen the programme grow to 2,500 active island chasers and approximately 15,000 more casual participants. It is perhaps second in […]

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RSGB Convention 10-12 October

| August 8, 2014

The RSGB Convention takes place between 10 and 12 October and will be held at the Kent’s Hill Conference Centre in Milton Keynes. The RSGB has extended the Early Bird discount until 1 September so there’s still time to get a bargain. Go to to book your place. The programme is available here One […]

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