GOTA2C: Radio amateurs
Matt, M5MAT

Matt, M5MAT sent us this photo of when he was enjoying being out portable again after lockdown for the FMAC and UKAC series.
Stevenage and District Amateur Radio Society

For the last four weeks the club has been running its weekly 2m FM club net as G3SAD/P from a local park car park. Members meet with due regard for social distance and are really enjoying seeing each other again. You can listen out for us on the air every Tuesday at 19:30 on 145.450 Our […]
John Farrar, G3UCQ and his special call sign GB9NHS
During part of April and May, 2020 John Farrar, G3UCQ used the amateur radio call sign GB9NHS to say “Thank you” to the staff of the NHS for the work they are doing during the Covid-19 pandemic and to recognise the work done by hospital staff around the world. John’s YouTube video explains how amateur […]
Greatest Hits Radio – Manchester and West Yorkshire
The RSGB remote invigilation exams were mentioned by Donna Buck, M7DON (Exam Secretary for Worksop Amateur Radio Society and one of our wonderful team of invigilators) when requesting a song on her local radio station – a great way to get some publicity without doing a full radio interview! You can hear the brief exchange […]
Third Age Matters – U3A members’ magazine
Radio amateur Mike, G4GUG chatted to the Editor of Third Age Matters about his enjoyment of amateur radio over the years. Amateur radio – the first social media (1-page/221KB PDF) Reproduced with permission: this article first appeared in the Summer 2020 issue of Third Age Matters magazine, the members’ magazine of the U3A movement.
BBC Radio Somerset
RSGB R11 Regional Representative Dean Brice, G0UIL had a chat about amateur radio with Mel Everett on BBC Radio Somerset on 31 May. The interview starts at 1:37