WRC-15 final news
The 2015 ITU World Radio Conference in Geneva has concluded. Following earlier success at 5MHz, the conference has agreed to include a future agenda item for the next conference, in 2019, which will consider harmonising the 50MHz band in Region 1. Several other agenda items that might have affected the amateur services have also concluded […]
WRC-15 – Days 19 and 20 – the end!

Compromises are reached as WRC-15 draws to a close:- Agenda Item 1.12 (10 GHz EESS) was finally approved at plenary with footnotes relevant to certain Middle Eastern countries and with the amateur services allocations untouched. 10 GHz and 24 GHz: Threats by the mobile ‘phone/broadband industry have been averted for the time being, but no […]
WRC-15 – Day-18

Another success! Â – Our WRC-19 future agenda item draft Resolution for 50-54 MHz in Region 1 was approved on first plenary reading. This is now included in the draft WRC-19 agenda document which is currently being delayed by other proposed agenda items. SmallSats: One of the remaining contentious issues for the WRC-19 agenda is the […]
WRC-15 – Day-17

Agenda Item 1.10 dealing with 22-26 GHz was finally finished with in the plenary meeting, with the result that there is no change to the status quo. This comes as some relief to the amateur services with our primary allocation at 24 GHz untouched. Agenda Item 1.12 dealing with 10 GHz and the EESS (earth […]
WRC-15 – Day 16 – start of final week

The day has been concentrating on the work of Committee-6 which is reviewing future agenda items, with work continuing late into the evening. Of interest to the amateur services is that the proposal to add an agenda item to WRC-19 to allocate and harmonise the band 50-54 MHz in Region 1 with the allocation already […]
WRC-15 – Day-15, end of Week-3

Future Items: With a lot at stake, the conference is being bogged down. Working Group 6B, which is dealing with possible new agenda items is getting a little fractious, with in-fighting between the proponents of the various satellite services, either claiming new spectrum, or defending their existing spectrum. This is occurring even before items have […]