GOTA2C: Online
ICQ Podcast
The latest ICQ Podcast Episode 333 is out now. It features an in-depth chat with the RSGB/NHS ‘Get on the air to care’ team about how it has inspired the growth of amateur radio over the last six months. The interview with RSGB General Manager Steve Thomas, M1ACB; NHS Representative Paul Devlin, G1SMP; and RSGB […]
i News

William, M7WHB is ten years old and passed his Foundation Exam recently via remote invigilation. We introduced him to Rhiannon Williams, the Technology Correspondent of the i who interviewed him about his interest in amateur radio. Read his interview and enjoy the photos of amateur radio past and present.
GIANT Health talks about ‘Get on the air to care’

GIANT Health profiled the RSGB and NHS ‘Get on the air to care’ campaign in its recent newsletter. The company runs the biggest health tech event in Europe and has a global community of over 177,000. Get on the air to care – Using innovative channels in current times Amateur (ham) radio use in the […]
Gazette & Herald
Pickering radio amateur Phil Catterall, G4OBK talked to his local paper, the Gazette & Herald, about how he has been enjoying amateur radio for 40 years. Phil is a member of Scarborough Amateur Radio Society
Emergency Services Times
The RSGB/NHS campaign was profiled in the July 2020 edition of the Emergency Services Times (EST). Read EST article Get on the air to care #GOTA2C (1-page/146KB PDF) Thanks to the Editor, David Brown, for permission to share this on our communication channels.
ARRL QST magazine
The ARRL magazine, QST, features the RSGB/NHS Get on the air to care campaign and also profiled the BBC news online coverage. Read QST article Amateur Radio Gains Significant Boost in UK by Connecting People During Lockdown (1-page/119KB PD Reprinted with permission, July 2020 QST © ARRL.