GOTA2C: Newspapers
Otley Amateur Radio Society
Otley Amateur Radio Society welcomed back its members on Tuesday 18 May. Club members met for the time being in the field outside the club house where they were lucky with the weather. Their meeting made a number of the local papers.
The Telegraph
Nick Redmayne, G6PQW has written an engaging piece in The Telegraph this week about how the lockdown has reinvigorated a teenage interest in amateur radio. The piece includes a quote from RSGB General Manager, Steve Thomas, M1ACB. Unfortunately The Telegraph won’t give us permission to share the full article directly on our website but has […]
White Horse News
Roy Bailey, G0VFS won the Lockdown Category in the RSGB’s annual Construction Competition and donated the beautifully-engineered VirusPerpleXed Bug CW Key for our charity auction which ended on 19 December for ‘Get on the air for Christmas’. Roy says, “It seemed only logical and fitting that the story of this key should end with it […]
Emergency Services Times – December 2020

The RSGB/NHS campaign Get on the air for Christmas was profiled in the December 2020 edition of the Emergency Services Times (EST). The publication is circulated in hard copy to every emergency services base in the country as well as 7,500 individual leaders. Read EST article Get on the air to care #GOTA4C (1-page/122KB PDF) […]
i News

William, M7WHB is ten years old and passed his Foundation Exam recently via remote invigilation. We introduced him to Rhiannon Williams, the Technology Correspondent of the i who interviewed him about his interest in amateur radio. Read his interview and enjoy the photos of amateur radio past and present.
Practical Wireless

The September issue of Practical Wireless features an article by the RSGB which outlines how the Society is helping new and returning licensees to build experience. Take a look and be inspired! (2-page/1.3MB PDF) [PDF reproduced here with the kind permission of Practical Wireless]