RSSFront Page News

RSGB insurance update

RSGB club insurance, and beacon and repeater insurance have now been renewed for the year to April 2025. Club insurance certificates can be downloaded from the RSGB website and you will need to log in to obtain your certificate. Beacon and repeater insurance certificates are available for an admin fee of £15 from the RSGB shop.   Please allow […]

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RSGB Legacy Committee appoints Chair

| May 3, 2024

The RSGB Board is pleased to announce it has approved the appointment of Richard Horton, G4AOJ to the role of Legacy Committee Chair. The RSGB Legacy Fund, thanks to the generosity of donors, has significant financial resources available to encourage and develop amateur radio. The Legacy Committee—which is a sub-Committee of the RSGB Board—considers proposals […]

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SOS Radio Week now underway

| May 3, 2024

SOS Radio Week is underway. It is an annual event that takes place throughout the month of May to celebrate the work of the volunteers from the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI), independent lifeboats, and National Coastwatch stations around the British Isles. Between them, members of these organisations save many lives in danger along and […]

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New mock exam papers

| April 26, 2024

The RSGB Exam Syllabus Review Group (ESRG) has published a new set of mock papers covering each of the amateur radio licence exams, from Foundation through to Direct to Full. These papers are in addition to those already available. They are each marked as ‘mock exam paper 3’ and you can find them on the […]

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Syllabus v1.6 published

| April 26, 2024

The new amateur radio licence has now been in effect for a few weeks. Changes to the licence conditions have made it necessary to revise the examination syllabus. We are pleased to release v1.6 of the syllabus which includes these revisions. Compared to v1.5—in current use—the only section that has seen major changes is Section […]

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RSGB President's Review of 2023

| April 26, 2024
RSGB President's Review of 2023

We’ve released the video review of 2023 by RSGB President John McCullagh, GI4BWM Filmed at the Ofcom Spectrum Management Centre near Baldock in Hertfordshire, the video covers a wide range of very positive activities, events and achievements. The President also talks about the RSGB’s strategic priorities, gaining publicity in the mainstream media, and the important […]

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