Front Page News
RSGB British Science Week amateur radio activity

We are delighted to announce details of the amateur radio activity that the RSGB has provided for the British Science Week 2025 Community Pack. The RSGB Outreach Team, working with the RSGB Comms Team, submitted two activities on this year’s theme of ‘Change and adapt’ and one was chosen for the BSW Community Pack. Created […]
Nominations wanted for next RSGB President
The RSGB President is a prestigious and important role. Each President has the autonomy to shape the duties and activities they carry out to best match their view of the role. Current and former Presidents have spoken of the unique insight it has given them into the hobby, and the fulfilment they have felt from […]
Tonight@8: fault finding in construction projects
Have you ever spent time constructing a project, only to find it does not work? If so, the next Tonight@8 webinar on Monday 3 February is one to put in your diary. Lee Aldridge, G4EJB will present a basic fault finding and electronics session that will look at the requirements of construction, as well as […]
COMPLETED: RSGB website essential maintenance

UPDATE 09:05 10/12/2024 The essential maintenance work on the RSGB website has now been successfully completed. Our tests so far show no issues, but if you do notice any abnormal behaviour or performance issues on the website please do report them to and we’ll investigate further. The RSGB website will be undergoing essential maintenance […]
RSGB 2025 elections – nomination process open
The RSGB 2025 elections process has begun, and nominations are open for a range of volunteer roles. The RSGB’s President John McCullagh, GI4BWM will reach the end of his second year as President at the AGM and so will stand down. There are also two Elected Board Director vacancies. The Board is looking for people […]
RSGB Convention Chair vacancy
We have been developing the RSGB Convention over recent years to suit the changing needs of the amateur radio community. From a face-to-face meeting it evolved into an online event when we weren’t allowed to meet, then changed again into a hybrid event, bringing together the best of both for people in this country and […]