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RSGB NRC Coordinator interviewed by Practical Wireless

| January 12, 2024

RSGB National Radio Centre Coordinator Martyn Baker, G0GMB is a name many will know from visits to the RSGB National Radio Centre at Bletchley Park. Others will know him from contacts they may have made with him on the radio over the many years that Martyn has been an amateur radio licensee. You can learn […]

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RSGB video recap of Ofcom consultation results

| January 12, 2024

Following Ofcom’s consultation on the amateur radio licence last year, it released a statement in December 2023. The statement outlined its decision to update the amateur radio licensing framework to ensure the policies and licences meet the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s radio amateurs, while streamlining the licensing process. It also published a General Notice, […]

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M0PLA achieves Mountain Goat award

| January 12, 2024

Paul Athersmith, M0PLA of Telford, Shropshire, has achieved the coveted Mountain Goat award for gaining 1,000 activator points in the Summits on the Air scheme. Paul completed his mission on the summit of Pole Bank, on the Long Mynd in Shropshire. The feat took Paul just over seven years, following his debut activation in December […]

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RSGB election nominations deadline – 31 January

| January 12, 2024

The deadline for nominations in the RSGB elections is Wednesday 31 January. You still have time to stand for the one Elected Board Director vacancy or for one of the eight Regional Representative vacancies. Do you want to support your local radio amateurs? Are you passionate about seeing the amateur radio community grow and attract […]

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COMPLETED – Website services scheduled downtime

| January 8, 2024
COMPLETED – Website services scheduled downtime

UPDATE 13.00 10/01/2024 The scheduled works have now completed and the RSGB websites are back in normal operation. On Wednesday, 10 January 2024 a third-party service provider is replacing essential infrastructure This will cause interruption and downtime to a number of services provided by the RSGB website. The services affected are listed below. RSGB Members […]

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Regional Representative vacancies

| January 5, 2024

Are you interested in supporting your local radio amateurs and promoting amateur radio where you live? The RSGB Regional Team has eight Regional Representatives vacancies across the UK where you could make a difference. Last year Regional Reps got involved in a variety of activities including British Science Week and YOTA Month to help spread […]

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