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RadCom Basics, No. 39, March 2024

| March 28, 2024
RadCom Basics, No. 39, March 2024

We are pleased to announce the March 2024 edition of RadCom Basics is now available on the RSGB website In this edition, Mark Hartley, M0XCZ reflects upon his own experiences of portable operating, and provides an account aimed at encouraging amateurs to get out there and experience the—sometimes unexpected—benefits of portable operating. Also in this […]

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Join a friend offer

| March 22, 2024
Join a friend offer

Join a friend and receive cashback! Here is a great opportunity to get even more out of your RSGB membership. If you recommend a friend who hasn’t been an RSGB member during the last 12 months, you will both receive £10 cashback when they become a member paying by direct debit. Whether you’re an individual […]

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RSGB Committee reports

| March 22, 2024

The April 2024 edition of RadCom contains the annual reports of the RSGB Committees, teams, groups and Honorary Officers. These reports give an overview of activities for the many important areas of the Society that support and develop amateur radio. You can also read them on our website. We’d like to thank all our volunteers […]

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| March 15, 2024

The RSGB 2024 AGM will take place at 10am on Saturday, 13 April 2024 and will be held online to ensure as many members as possible can watch and take part. The formal business of the meeting will include the results of members’ votes on the resolutions, including the endorsement of three Nominated Directors. The […]

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British Science Week reports

| March 15, 2024

British Science Week is drawing to a close and lots of exciting activities have been going on. Radio amateurs across the country have been encouraging young people to explore and understand our hobby and there have been some wonderful ways of incorporating the theme of Time into amateur radio activities. The RSGB would like to […]

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Exam bookings at new prices

| March 15, 2024

Early in February 2024, the RSGB announced that the fees for Foundation, Intermediate and Full level examinations would increase from 1 May 2024. You can now use the online booking system to book an exam prior to 1 May 2024 at the current price, or select exam dates from 1 May 2024 at the new […]

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