Ashfield Primary School, Otley
The next ARISS schools contact between Ashfield Primary School in Otley, West Yorkshire and Tim Peake on the International Space Station has now been confirmed for Thursday, 5 May at 0908BST (0808UTC). Listen for Tim calling “GB1APS this is GB1SS” on 145.800MHz narrowband FM.
Next two school contacts announced
It has been confirmed that Tim Peake will speak via amateur radio to two schools next week. St Richard’s Catholic College, Bexhill-on-Sea Monday, 18 April 2016 at 14:56:06 UTC (15:56:06 BST) Wellesley House School, Broadstairs Saturday, 23 April 2016 at 12:10 UTC (13:10 BST) We’re looking forward to being at the contacts and sending reports […]
St Richard’s Catholic College Buildathon

St Richard’s Catholic College held their Buildathon on 12 April as part of a series of activities leading up to their amateur radio contact with Tim Peake on Monday, 18 April. Regional Manager, Mick Senior, G4EFO and members of Hastings Electronics and Radio Club helped the pupils build the Rodway receivers that were donated by […]
GB1SS this is GB2CNS calling from Norwich

Over 250 people gathered at the City of Norwich School to take part in the fourth UK schools ARISS contact with Tim Peake on 26 February 2016 Pupils and teachers from 22 schools all across Norfolk joined representatives from the University of East Anglia, Research Council UK, the UK Space Agency, the Royal Society of […]
Latest ISS contact announced
The date of the next ISS school contact has been confirmed by NASA. On Saturday, 5 March, students from Powys Combined Schools will get their chance to speak to Tim Peake as he flies overhead. The pass is around 10.55 in the morning. Amateurs all over northern Europe will be able to listen to the […]
First school ham TV ISS link
The UK ARISS team achieved a world first at the Royal Masonic School for Girls, Rickmansworth on Thursday, by receiving live ATV video from the ISS during the contact. Using the HamTV transmitter, which has recently been commissioned on board the ISS, Tim Peake was the first astronaut to use this equipment during a two […]